







9 則留言:

Tiramisusu 說...

啊~ 我也想要自己的空間呀~
所以大概要等我們「發大達」(是這樣說的嗎?!) 之後, 有間夠大的屋子時才會有機會吧!

好唄! 那咱們一起期望唄!
別氣啦~ 加油厚!

staphany 說...

do u mean space in the physical sense (like some more meter square) or freedom to do whatever you like?? hmm.. i miss / want both too :)

So dont worry, you r not alone!

Ida 說...

Hello 小貝

I'm Ida from hk. I did leave u message before and told u that i would also get married with a german guy and stay in germany thereafter. I've got married la... now, i've been in germany for 2 months and will have my A1 german test at the end of May....

So happy to know u that u can even find a job in germany... so encouraging... =)

小貝 說...

Sister T and Staphany,

Thanks for supporting me!!!!!(Msg from Office)


Welcome to Germany!
But u take german course here, that means u dun have a long stay visa yet?

but anyway :) nice to meet u..

Ida 說...

Hello 小貝,

Yes, I only finished 1/3 of my A1 course in HK. Because the course schedule here doesn't fit with the period of my stay, I can only do my self study here with the help of my husband... and I need to be back to HK again next month...

Can i write u emails?


小貝 說...

sure, u can find my email address unter my profil ga! please go and have a look!

小貝 說...


here :) becoz i might get alot of spam email once i wrote it here directly :) thanks for understanding

匿名 說...

Hello 小貝!

I've been reading your fantastic blog for some time and would really like to get to know you as a person :) I am also from N.T. in Hong Kong and been learning German since 2005/6 (though I stopped it for quite a good while). As I am not an Outlook user, I tried but couldn't see your email address. If you don't mind, could you please send me an email/MSN/facebook with my email address gcytwsif@hotmail.com?

Look forawrd to talking with you soon! :)


小貝 說...

i have replied you from my private email address :)